European Robotic League (ERL) Emergency - 2019

Arnaud Klipfel, Corentin Jegat, et al.  
ENSTA Bretagne   


The French Research Institute (CNRS Lab-STICC) ENSTA Bretagne participated in the ERL Emergency 2019 Field Robotics competition and won the 3rd place. The competition took place in Seville, Spain. This project consisted in programmning both an aerial (quadrotor) robot and a terresterial non-holonomic robot (four wheels) to accomplish different rescue missions. The ROS architecture had to be designed and implemented in order to process sensors and actuate the robots accordingly. Artifical Potential Fields and A* were used for motion planning to avoid obstacles and find the shortest path to the goal. The robots were in part designed: choosing the sensors, designing the electric connectivity.

[Project page] [Report] [Poster] [Presentation]

Front camera view of the terresterial robot in operation, ENSTA Bretagne